Bridge House gets more than a caffeine boost from its coffee morning!

Last Saturday ADS’ residential rehab, Bridge House in Preston, held a coffee morning to help raise money for the residents’ away days.

It was a great morning with a large turnout of friends and family and our partner agencies.  Such a large gathering contributed to a really positive and welcoming atmosphere, with residents rising to the occasion and working together to obtain donations, via a variety of activities, including the all-important Tombola!  All in all, £342 was raised, which was Bridge House’s best return yet from a coffee morning.

Donations from events like these are vital in providing the funding for activities and improvements in our services, which, ultimately, benefit our clients and ensure they receive a quality of care that we are proud of and helps them reach their goals and ambitions.  On this occasion, the £342 raised will directly contribute to the residents’ away day, which in previous years has been a day trip to the Lake District.  Such away days play a vital role in showing the obtainable accomplishments of recovery, and showcase the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle, and making the most out of the great outdoors!

A big thanks to everyone who came down and donated money, and a special thanks to the residents who made the day a great success!


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Community Fund

Alcohol and Drug Support by ADS (Addiction Dependency Solutions)
Charity Number: 702559
Company Number: 01990365