A devastating Loss

Jim Dobbin MP was a staunch defender of those who faced injustices.  A deeply principled man, he campaigned on many issues that mattered to the most vulnerable in our society.  One of these was a campaign to highlight the harm caused by addiction to prescription drugs, which ADS worked very closely with Jim on. The partnership between Jim and ADS had developed over a number of years and his strong support, built upon his principle to help people suffering and combat any injustice, enabled ADS’ voice to be heard in Parliament for the first time in its history.

Jim was always forthright with his views and would not compromise on what mattered most, the individual.  He was deeply sympathetic to the pain caused by an addiction that is involuntary, and the lack of support currently available, not only in his own constituency, but across the UK.  Years of campaigning on this issue, and the formation of the All Parliamentary Party Group on Involuntary Tranquilizer Addiction (APPGITA), have brought raised awareness of the dangers of long term prescription of addictive medicines, the need for support services across the country and the requirement for alternative talking therapies to be offered in GP surgeries.

Jim will be fondly remembered by everyone who knew him and the commitment to which he approached his work in parliament and his constituency.  He was a tireless and fierce campaigner, and an honourable man who was deeply respected and revered here at ADS.  He will be greatly missed by everyone at ADS and our thoughts are with his wife, Pat, and family at this difficult time.

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Alcohol and Drug Support by ADS (Addiction Dependency Solutions)
Charity Number: 702559
Company Number: 01990365